3.1.5 Disposal of Equipment/Personal Protective Equipment used to Administer Hazardous Drugs
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- All syringes and needles should be discarded in containers that are puncture-resistant, leak-proof, have a lid that seals securely, and are appropriately labeled.
- Bags and solution administration sets should be discarded intact in appropriately labeled resealable containers that are both leak-proof and puncture-proof.
- PPE used during handling and administration should be disposed of in appropriately labeled container.
Nursing Care and Management of Patients Who Have Received Hazardous Drugs
- Potential duration of excretion of chemotherapy agents and their metabolites are not well defined. While there is some data derived from the adult population, the extent to which this is applicable to children is unclear. Therefore, there is a real potential risk to healthcare professionals and parents who are caring for children following the administration of chemotherapy agents. It is recommended that PPE should be worn up to 48 hours post administration of hazardous drugs (HDs). Hazardous Drugs Precautions PPE Poster
- Parents must be gloved when handling excreta and diapers up to 2 days post treatment.
- Gloves should be discarded after each patient use, and when soiled or contaminated with body fluids, in appropriately labeled containers.
- Gloves and gowns should not be worn outside of the drug administration area.
Flushing of Toilets (*Change in Practice*)
New Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses (APHON) references disagree on double flushing and research no longer supports this practice. In hospital, high-pressure toilets may increase risk of aerosolization; therefore, healthcare personnel are advised to flush once and cover with a plastic-lined, absorbent pad (absorbent side facing down) prior to flushing. These pads should be disposed of in biohazard containers after each use. Flushing twice is recommended in the home if the toilet has low flow pressure.
Disposal of Diapers
Diapers should be disposed of in a biohazard container for up to 2 days after chemotherapy administration.
Disposal of Contaminated Linen
Contaminated, non-disposable linen should be handled with gloves and gowns and should be dealt with in a manner consistent with institutional policies regarding handling and disposal of infectious linens.
Disposal of Biohazardous Contaminated Materials
- All areas where HDs are handled should have specific disposable containers close at hand for easy and safe disposal.
- Sharps and breakable items (e.g., vials, ampoules) should be disposed of in leak-proof, puncture-resistant containers with labels indicating hazardous or cytotoxic waste.
- Non-sharp HD waste (e.g., plastic IV bags and tubing, personal protection equipment) should be sealed in leak-proof, puncture-resistant containers with appropriate labels.
- These containers should be of a different colour from regular hazardous waste disposal containers.
This guidance document was developed by Mr. Kaniska Young Tai, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto and Ms. Sylvie Kozlowskyj, Northeast Cancer Centre, Health Sciences North, Sudbury. Reviewed in consultation with Ms. Janie Lappan, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton Health Sciences, Hamilton, Ms. Mary Jo De Courcy, Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre, London and Ms. Christina McCauley, POGO/The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto based on the sources in Sub-Section 3.1.7.
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Version Number | Date of Effect | Summary of Revisions |
1 | 6/28/2021 | Original version posted. |