Resources for Healthcare Providers: Pediatric Palliative, End-of-Life Care
POGO is working with the palliative care community to support our joint efforts to expand access to pediatric palliative care services and supports for children and youth in Ontario, and their families, including children who are treated in the childhood cancer care system.
The following documents have been developed by the Provincial Paediatric Palliative Care Steering Committee’s End-of-Life Symptom Management Guide and End-of-Life Care Fact Sheet Working Group, jointly led by the Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health (PCMCH) and the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO).
*New* Approaching the End-of-Life: Pediatric Palliative Care Information for Healthcare Providers
Expert Opinion Guidance from the Ontario Pediatric Palliative Care Steering Committee: 2023 Update
This document is designed to provide guidance to healthcare providers on approaching the expected death of a child. This includes revisiting existing therapies; anticipation, prevention, and treatment of common issues and symptoms; and, coaching families and caregivers through the expected changes and experiences that may occur as the body gradually shuts down.
Archived 2016 – Pediatric Palliative Care: Approaching End-of-Life Information for Healthcare Providers
*New* Symptom Management for Children Near/At End-of-Life
Expert Opinion Guidance from the Ontario Pediatric Palliative Care Steering Committee: 2023 Update
Symptom management for pediatric palliative care patients at the end-of-life requires an astute care team that is aligned to the status of the child as well as the goals of care of the child and family. The management strategies and medications included in this document are listed according to symptom and may be used for specific indications in pediatric patients approaching end-of-life. When no suggested dosing interval is provided, the decision to provide a medication regularly or “as needed” is up to the discretion of the treating team. Furthermore, goals of care should be discussed and kept in mind prior to initiating therapies.
Archived 2016 – Symptom Management Guide for Children Near/At End-of-Life
The information included in these documents serve as a guide intended only for healthcare providers. Healthcare providers are encouraged to connect families to available family-directed resources to seek additional support, clarification, and guidance from the regional pediatric palliative care specialist resources, as required.
The content in these resources do not replace clinical judgement or dictate the treatment of individual patients. Furthermore, users of these documents are reminded that medications and dosing strategies included do not take into account drug-drug interactions. Caution must always be used when prescribing medications that providers are unfamiliar with.