Q. Looking back on the past year, which accomplishments stand out for you?
The Childhood Cancer Care Plan was developed by over 200 clinical experts, providing care in clinics and at the bedside day in and day out, as well as parents and survivors, system planners and administrators. It has been wonderful to see many of these same individuals along with new participants readily volunteering their time, expertise and experiences to committees and activities that will drive action on the Plan’s goals.
That said, two other items that particularly stand out, are the launch of the newest POGO Satellite Clinic at Peterborough Regional Heath Centre in fall 2018, bringing care closer to home for patients and their families in that part of the province, and the publication of the latest, high-quality Ontario data in Childhood Cancer in Ontario 1986–2015: A Surveillance Report.
Q. The Plan identifies the need for Champions. Describe how Champions have come on board to help implement the Plan.
The Childhood Cancer Care Plan is a system plan. In addition to POGO, it will take the collaborative efforts of survivors, patients and families, clinical care providers of all types, government, donors and others to achieve its goals. An excellent example of this collaboration is POGO’s work on the Plan’s strategic objective to “promote effective and appropriate care for adolescents and young adults (AYA) treated in all settings.” Adolescents and young adults have unique care needs that require us to bring the best from the childhood and adult cancer care systems.
This year, Champions from across the province—clinical specialists from the POGO network and from Cancer Care Ontario’s adult cancer programs, and survivors of AYA cancer, with the support of the Ministry of Health—have joined forces to identify actions that can be taken to improve care.
Q. Specialized donor-funded support for families, research and survivors is a key driver of the Plan’s success. How has the contribution of donors contributed to moving the goals of the Plan forward?
One of the Plan’s five major goals is to optimize the physical health and emotional well-being of survivors of childhood cancer. Survivors have told us that they are in need of practical and informational resources to help them cope with life after a diagnosis of childhood cancer. With the generous support of an anonymous donor to launch a new initiative and continued funding from The W. Garfield Weston Foundation, POGO has been able to enhance our counselling service for adolescent survivors facing challenges completing school and finding work by introducing the Survivor to Survivor (S2S) Network. With the S2S Network, survivors gain practical skills, build their confidence and connect with others, as they create and deliver informational workshops on key issues for fellow survivors. Feedback from participants so far has been outstanding.
Check out S2S workshop topics and hear from
S2S facilitators about their experience
Donors to POGO also support important research aligned with the Plan’s goals.
Q. This is a provincial plan intended to deliver the best possible care for the best possible outcomes for families, young people with cancer, survivors. What tangible differences are already evident for this population?
The POGO network has been working effectively together to continuously improve the system since POGO created the first Provincial Pediatric Oncology Plan (the Plan’s former name) in the late 1980s. Ontario’s outcomes are among the best in the world. Overall survival from childhood cancer is at an all-time high of 86%.
For children facing a diagnosis of cancer, in alignment with the Plan’s goal of “equitable, appropriate and timely access to emerging and evolving oncology drugs, diagnostics and technologies,” POGO ensures pediatric cancer expertise informs new drug funding policies and continues to lead the process to enable access to the latest collaborative clinical research studies for Ontario’s children facing cancer. POGO’s Therapeutic and Technology Advisory Committee of experts from across the province is now in place to continually scan the new science for opportunities to enhance care in Ontario.
Work also continues to enhance long-term outcomes for survivors of childhood cancer. Most survivors need lifelong monitoring to ensure that the late effects of their disease and its treatment are managed in such a way as to ensure the best quality of life possible. Survivors need reliable access to high quality primary and specialty care but, too often, access to primary care is a challenge. POGO’s Integrated Provincial AfterCare Steering Committee, composed of clinical and survivor representatives, aims to connect each survivor with a primary care provider in their home community and to ensure that primary care providers and the cancer specialists work effectively together to provide optimal monitoring.
Q. When we look ahead one year from now, what are some immediate priorities arising from the Plan?
While our clinical outcomes in Ontario are excellent, there are other important outcomes that need concerted attention. In particular, we hear from the clinical team and parents alike that the Plan’s goal about “ensuring integrated psychosocial care,” and objectives to “enhance supportive care” and “meet educational and information needs” are particularly challenging.
POGO’s guidelines program ensures that Ontario has excellent, internationally recognized, evidence-based supportive care guidelines, but more needs to be done to ensure that the recommendations in those guidelines can be put into day-to-day practice. The benefit of guidelines is real; a US children’s hospital, for example, saw a significant decrease in patient vomiting after implementing the POGO guideline for prevention of chemotherapy-induced vomiting. POGO is committed to working with our partners to facilitate evidence-based guideline uptake.
While we made an excellent start this past year, we also have more work to do to meet the Plan’s goal of ensuring “the right data are available and being used to drive an effective childhood cancer system.” We are working with hospital partners to give them the data they need to monitor quality and do local planning, and in turn, contribute to strong province-wide planning. We will also be updating the POGO Surveillance Report this year, and we are working with data partners to improve the information available about AYA cancer.
Most importantly, we look forward to strengthening existing partnerships and developing new ones with organizations that can help advance the Plan’s important goals for childhood cancer patients, families and survivors.