The 2022 Survivor to Survivor (S2S) Network presenters have been chosen! The four presenters are ready to work with topic experts to create presentations on subjects that matter to the childhood cancer and brain tumour survivor community.

Payton’s topic is how volunteering and networking can help survivors find jobs. She says, “I am so passionate about this topic because I have been fortunate enough to benefit from the services of many volunteer-based organizations. I have seen what a difference volunteers can make and just how integral they are to these organizations. I am looking forward to sharing this passion with the S2S Network!”

Dirk, who’ll be presenting on how to speak up and advocate for yourself, believes that S2S sessions can help childhood cancer survivors, especially when they’re transitioning from treatment to the “real-world.” He says what’s so important is that survivors not only learn from the content of S2S sessions, but they also get to connect with other survivors and feel that they’re not alone.

Olivia will be presenting on how each childhood cancer or brain tumour survivor’s journey is different and shouldn’t be compared to anyone else’s. She knows that after treatment, survivors often need to learn how to regain confidence in their ability to grow and learn, and she wants them to know that there is no deadline to be successful.

Faiza’s session will be about how to deal with difficult conversations that can come up about cancer and survivorship, and things survivors can do to support their wellbeing. She says, “I never felt such a deep connection with others in terms of cancer until I joined last year’s S2S session. If you struggle with any late effects of cancer, I’m sure the workshops will be a great source of inspiration for you, as much as they were for me. I can’t wait to see you there!”
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