
Join us in Raising Money for Kids with Cancer!

Do you want to give back to an organization that is important to you but don’t know where to begin?

Individual, community, school and corporate events in support of POGO make a big impact in the lives of children and youth with cancer, survivors and their families.

Celebrate a milestone, host a sporting event, fundraise at your school, plan a social event, create a team challenge at your office or add a fundraising component to an existing event — there are so many options!  

The funds you raise provide financial assistance to families so they can pay for out-of-pocket costs associated with their child’s treatment, support survivors with customized school and ​work counselling when their disease or its treatment has left them with learning challenges and fund promising research that examines the impact of childhood cancer and its treatment. 

Get started today with our easy-to-use fundraising platform. Reach out to with any questions or for help getting started!

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