
POGO Research Education Days Spur on Successive Generations of Pediatric Oncology Researchers

POGO’s 2016 Research Education Day provides graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, clinical fellows and new investigators with the opportunity to gain practical skills and advice to build a research career in pediatric oncology. Topics at this one-day event include: how to build a strong research team and work through the associated challenges; work-life balance; inter-disciplinary insights into applied research; and how to become a leader in the field. In a panel discussion on mentorship, researchers will share their experiences first as mentees and later as mentors. Participants can also attend two workshops: To the top of the Pile: Writing a Stand Out Grant Application and What’s Hot and What’s Passé in Pediatric Oncology Research.

POGO provides continuing education that enables healthcare professionals to remain at the forefront of the ever- and rapidly advancing field of pediatric oncology.

The 2016 POGO Research Education Day takes place Wednesday, April 13, 8:00 a.m. –  4:30 p.m. at St. James Cathedral, 54 Church St, Toronto. Get the details!

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